Blackguards 2 hideout of the crows
Blackguards 2 hideout of the crows

blackguards 2 hideout of the crows

Zurbaran and ♥♥♥♥♥ also brought together. The catapults did not fire (0/6) so as not to destroy the walls (all enemies killed, except for the courier). Naurim made a family friend and not betrayed Zurbaran. I have not followed any escaping enemies or opened any chests, I have also kept couriers alive. Heroine, Sirik fortress, Lorfas, ruins of Barankal, Akisa customs fortress, El'Halem, Cuoris, Mengbilla, Dujar, height of the druid, Adamant festivals, Acropolis of Tykates, all other places would only have satisfied my greed ) I only visited the following places in this order: Hoffe habe jetzt nichts wichtiges vergessen! Standbilder von Cassia mit schönem Gesicht!Īm Ende war noch eine Stunde bis Mitternacht übrig, alles Gold weg und ich ging schlafen und Ding! The Saint! Zurbaran belohnt mit 1Kiste Gold und ihn verabschiedet Naurims versprechen eingelöst, er verriet den Namen seines Vaters Scheint für die Trophäe irrelevant gewesen zu sein, wollte ihn ja leben lassen. Ich habe Mirai am Ende NICHT gerettet, weil ich nicht wusste, das ich Marwan versteinern lassen muss und ihn somit getötet habe. Mirai und Takate zusammen gebracht und Takate nach Mirai springen lassen. Jeden Gefangenen freigelassen, auch den Blinden. Zurbaran und ♥♥♥♥♥ auch zusammen gebracht. Die Katapulte nicht ausgelöst (0/6), um die Mauern nicht zu zerstören(alle Feinde getötet, bis auf den Kurier).

blackguards 2 hideout of the crows

Naurim zum Famielienfreund gemacht und Zurbaran auch nicht verraten. Nichts angezündet was nicht nötig gewesen sein musste. Ich habe keine flüchtenden Feinde verfolgt und keine Truhen geöffnet, auch auftauchende Kuriere habe ich am Leben gelassen. Heldenrain, Festung Sirik, Lorfas, Ruinen von Barankal, Zollfestung Akisa, El‘Halem, Cuoris, Mengbilla, Dujar, Höhe des Druiden, Adamants Feste, Akropolis des Tykates, alle anderen Ortschaften hätten nur meine Gier befriedigt ) Habe nur folgende Ortschaften aufgesucht in dieser Reihenfolge: I only hope doing the exact opposite will be just fine. I created a law to strenghten the Power, and to abolish mariage.ĬLING! Trophy "The Monster" finallly popped! I strenghtened Mengbilla's army in every ways possible. I built prisons, catacombs, a triumph arch, and a statue of Cassia with her hideous face. When ruling as a Kyria for the day, and that's VERY IMPORTANT because it made the difference the companions Naurim and Takate were presents when Cassia accessed to the throne and I executed them. Takate didn't jump for her in the end either. I kept Cassia's sister, Myra, away from Takate and told her to stay away every time. I didn't tell Zurbaran to mistrust Naurim after that. I pushed Naurim as far as possible to kill Zurbaran by telling him he was responsible for ♥♥♥♥♥'s attack. I always chose "the power", "there's no why" or other replies like that, implying always negative and cruel thoughts. distrusted the blind messager and executed him after his confession about the trap. executed every prisoneers as soon as it was possible. My God,I just got "The Monster" on a desperate last attempt now! It seems very demanding and the descritpion is too unaccurate! when ruling as a Kyria, I raised the taxes, built a hideous statue of Cassia, and forbid the mariage as a new law.Ĭould somedy who unlocked these achievements tell us the exact requirements? the companions Naurim, Takate and Zereb-something were present when Cassia accessed to the throne and I executed them all. I also let the silent legion execute the fishermen villagers when Faramlud asked for that.

blackguards 2 hideout of the crows

I let Faramud slaughter and loot each city.

blackguards 2 hideout of the crows

I distrusted the blind messager and executed him after his confession about the trap. I executed every prisoneers as soon as it was possible. Here is my check list of evil deeds done :


I tried several combinations during different runs to try to get "The Monster" first, assuming if I could figure out how to unlock it, I'll just do the opposite to achieve "The Saint". Could somebody enlight me about these 2 achievements?

Blackguards 2 hideout of the crows